$9.99/lb, approximately 2 lbs / package
$13.50/lb, average 1-1.5lbs per pack
Price is $6.00 per pound - approximately 0.5 lbs each - comes with 2 drums
per dozen
$4/lb, approx. 2.5lbs / package
$4/lb, approximately 3 lbs / package
$4.00/lb, approx. 2 lbs / package
$4.00/lb, approx. 3 lbs / package
$6.50/lb, approx 1-1.5 lbs / package
$9.00 lb, approx. 0.5 lb / package 2 thighs
$6.50/lb, approx. 2.5 lbs / package
$3.00/lb, 3lb packages
$5.00/lb, approx 1.6 lbs / package
Locally sourced prepared dinner - heat and serve! (PICK UP OR DELIVERY 11/24)
Locally sourced prepared dinner - heat and serve!
$5.50/lb, approx. 3 - 4.9 lb / chicken
$6/lb - approx 4.5 - 6 lb roasters!